Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


On 9th July the UK govt sent emails to all 4million+ email addresses that had registered on the now relatively notorious petition to hold a second referendum to tell them that a second referendum would not be held.

On 11th July the UK govt received an open letter signed by over 1,000 British lawyers stating that in their opinion triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty without first debating it in parliament was against the constitution, and therefore, against the law.

On 13th July the UK govt sent emails to the same 4million+ email addresses to notify them that the petitions committee has now decided to schedule a House of Commons debate about the petition.

If you have not already, please write to your MP. We must not let the pressure drop. We must not believe that the battle is already won. They may be running scared but that may not yet be enough.

This site is helpful but there may be others.
And this site might help us to charge the Leave Campaign with the criminal offence of “misconduct in public office” - especially now that we have Foreign Office Boris!

Today's smile

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