
By DevonDumpling

'In Out, In Out, Shake it all about'

How I would describe our political situation over the past few weeks. Today, all change. David Cameron has been replaced by Theresa May as Prime Minister. Here we are in London for the day...lots of activity outside Buckingham Palace. The broadcasting tent was a hive of is Nicholas Witchell, Royal Correspondent at work. Lots of shiny limos going to and fro.....David Cameron was inside the Palace at this moment in time. Crowds of people everywhere. We gave Downing Street a miss as it was so busy in the Whitehall area.
We walked through St.James's Park (too many Pigeons, they need to do something about it). Embankment walk, Covent Garden, National Portrait Gallery etc, seven hours of walking)

A crowded train for the journey home!

Tomorrow is another day!

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