This is when .....
..... I wish I had another story!!
The sun rise at 5.20am was just wonderful, but to capture it you need
1) A clear view
2) A height
neither of which I have unfortunately.
The boiler engineer came early to service and repair the boiler. So that gave me a chance to carry on with my chores / jobs.
As my newly planted pots have been demolished yet AGAIN!! I need to put some colour back into them, I've got the plants ( a sale on ) thank goodness! Those will be done when I get back from the hairdressers pm. I've finished painting the shutters by my windows, then I painted " at " the gate! I say that because I'm " pants " at preparing , I'm in too much of a hurry to get it finished. Also to my defence I find it difficult to kneel down so pressure needed to prepare is absent, well that's my excuse/ reason and I'm sticking to it!
My ( up North ) daughter text me to say she had to go to A& E as her knee was worse and proving very difficult to work, X- Ray didn't show anything , which proves its a soft tissue injury and physio may help she has crutches and a brace , crotches she can't use at work, due to her contract time off is impossible? I do hope she will get relief soon.
Happy .... to have a few more jobs done.
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