Under the waterfall

There's a marvellous Levada walk in the North East of the island, starting not far from Sao Jorge. It's known as the Levada do Rei (The Kings Levada) and it follows the levada to the source. Just before the source (where we had our picnics), you have to negotiate a waterfall. Cameras in bags, NO running, concentrate, and accept you'll get wet.

My blip shows a lively Turkish lady in our group, making the most of the crystal clear water.

Levada walks are potentially dangerous. It's easy to slip. Quite often it's a sheer drop and the narrow paths can be muddy. They're not theme park attractions. Our guide dreads those who arrive with flip flops, bikinis and a towel, not realising that they've 2 hours concentrated walking before the ten minutes at the waterfalls. I'm told they've lost 10 people so far in 2016 on the levadas (and that is fatalities, not people wandering astray.) I must admit I was surprised.

I enjoyed the 11km of this walk and I was glad to revel in a beer and swim in the sea and the pool when I got back to the hotel.

Spectacular roadside agapanthus in blue and white shining in the light. Fabulous pink passion fruit banana plants, just growing wild.

I've never seen Madeira look so beautiful.

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