A day in Paris or not...

By ellebasi


with good friends we did not see for 2 years.
this restaurant, La Table d'Adrien is held by a couple of portuguese people, living in France for maaanyy years.
They can afford to chose their clients..it means that if you just pass by in the street and want to have lunch or dinner, the boss, Adrien, can say "no it's full" even if the restau is empty!
it's better to have been "introduced" before, and then , it is a real pleasure, don't be in a hurry, service is great, but you will pass a long time talking with madame (the cook) and Adrien who serves.
speciality: foie gras half cooked and cooked, charolais beef or fish or scallops (coquilles St Jacques) or anything fresh from the market.
tonight, we had dinner also with a french star but can't tell her name...

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