
By carliewired

The Storm That Wasn't

Thunderheads came up...
A cold wind and a rainbow...
But nothing happened!


I was awake really early. Email and Facebook all managed before 7. Breakfast with my wonderful son in law. We talked business and then he helped me pick out my new light fixtures at the hardware store. He's even offered to install them. And he'll have a go at my ceiling fan that makes noises like a Boeing 747 taking off.....Spent a very frustrating few hours in the office trying to extricate video evidence for a few events at the business. Security cameras have some serious limitations sometimes. Buzzed around the business. Spoke to a couple of people about their parking issues. I don't understand how anybody can think they can just park their vehicles where ever they want without any concern for traffic flow, safety or private property. Dealt with a couple of yard maintenance problems. Tomorrow someone is getting a letter. Answered telephone queries. Came back home about 4:30 PM and promptly fell asleep. Woke up just after 7 PM and remembered I had a coupon for an art supply store so I roared up the hill to get in before closing. Caught the most amazing sky here. We've been promised a big thunderstorm with heavy rain all day. Nada! Grabbed a quick snack at a drive thru and had a quick visit with a dear friend. Drove home in the dark but am wide awake now at 11 PM. What a day!!!!

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