Soar with the birds

 and don't walk with the turkeys. This was part of a motivation talk I listened once when I used to hang around some very influential and successful business people. What I never realised is that what I learned from them and thought I had forgotten is now coming back and I am using the same information to help every one I coach to be successful in their own running. I received an Email from a young woman in the UK, at first I thought it was one of those spam emails that when you open it a virus holds your computer to ransom. It was a cry for help, Lianne saw some posts I put up in the Mapmyrun group; You versus the Year a challenge to run 1000km in a year, I have clocked just over 500km so far. Lianne has Poly cystic ovary syndrome and wants help losing weight through exercise and diet. Her Doctors are not concerned and will do nothing until she gets diabetes instead of being proactive. Lianne wants to get on top of it and beat it before it happens and has said that I am her last resort, wow no pressure. So what did I do I rose to the challenge and have started her on one of my training programs. Here's my plea for help if anyone knows someone in the Medical and Nutrition field and can help me out with advice and information I would be very grateful.

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