'The George' at Greta Bridge

Charles Dickens (Boz) and his companion Hablot K Browne (Phiz) arrived at The George coaching inn at Greta Bridge, near Bowes on January 31st 1838, after a journey of two hundred and fifty five miles from the Saracen's Head, Snow Hill, in London. "In half an hour they gave us a smoking supper and a bottle of mulled port", declared Boz! Wintry weather and sub zero temperatures hindered the coach journey, but Dickens was on a mission!

What you see here is 'The George' today, no longer a coaching inn;  just over the bridge from 'The Morritt Hotel' where I am staying the night.
Tomorrow I will explore Barnard Castle and Bowes, just as Dickens and his Artist friend did in 1838.

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