
I think I may need to build a little high-rise for our shoes. Totally out of hand.

I missed another Blip. The 27th. I went about 860 without missing a day but looking back on it, there are a fair few that were done for the sake of it and not really about the photo or a journal. I'm kind of glad I missed that first one on the 6th. Now I've broken the blip spell, I can enjoy taking pics without that feeling of having to. I know what it's like feeling forced into writing music or words, I just can't force it. If I apply the same logic or sentiment to photography then I've really produced a fair few pointless efforts that could easily go. But some, although of no artistic merit whatsoever actually do fall into the journal side and may look essentially meaningless but really say a lot more than was maybe even intended. So, I will continue. But, with a new perspective.


(Mainly Barcelona) Backflips:

Here's one I forgot to upload for the 15th too: Wonky
Massive Heids

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