
By owlman1975


After the horrific events in Nice I wanted to post a happier memory of our time in France

Last year I celebrated my 40th birthday returning to Paris where I spent two & a half years of my youth. 18 to 21 years old I lived there which were truly memorable.

My best friend joined us for the weekend & we then joined other dear friends for dinner & drinks.

To think this is happening again in a country which is so dear to my heart scares me.
Terror is happening across the world. Why?
What's going to happen next & I dread to think if it hits the UK.

My thoughts go out to all affected in this horrendous terror last night.

All I can say is to everyone who reads this whether it being on blip or on Facebook. Please remain vigilant & safe.

Live life for now as you never know what's round the corner.

Love you Feebs xxx

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