
By Wildwood

Tartan Chic

When I was in the Royal Scottish Museum I was instantly drawn to an old version of the Royal Archers' uniform with its red and green tartan its ample cuffs and lime green trim. I must admit to being something of a fashionista and thought that this beautiful frock coat would be right at home in many a modern couture collection.

Today I went to see the Jean Paul Gaultier show at the deYoung museum in San Francisco. Words (or even one picture) fail to capture the riot of naughtiness, humor, superb craftsmanship and ingenuity of design, and the complexity of this multimedia exhibit. Phrases like "tyranny of fashion" and "voyeur of multiplicity" were used in the curator's comments (Gaultier designed the cone bras famously worn by Madonna) but there was also a great deal of irreverent humor in collections with names like "Rabbi Chic".

As I wandered through this barrage of images-- lifelike talking (and singing, and taunting.....) mannequins , elaborate outfits representing every culture, numerous video screens, I began to notice the visitors bending over to peer at details of a costume or to read the descriptive placards--elderly couples, Midwestern tourists, lots of French, sleek gay men, and badly dressed art students. I loved the contrasts and laughed out loud when I heard an older gentleman resting on a bench say to his wife next to him, "well, he's very creative, but I haven't seen anything useful yet..."

I found the current Royal Archers' uniforms during the Queen's visit to Edinburgh in July to be rather drab compared to what they once were. Today I offer a "modern" version.

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