Reminiscing ...

So this was so fun...
... something to do when you are escaping the heat and doing fun things inside your cool house in these heat wave kinda days. From your childhood name the following: two objects, two plants, two taste, two smells, two songs, two streets you grew up on, what's under my bed...write an essay using "I'm from." Got this from a dear friend, Thank you for this Mary Laymon, this brought back such wonderful memories :). If you dare do :). It's healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

Mine ... Where I'm from:
I am from a row home in Philly where I had a stuffed bear named "Huckle" who was always by my side in sickness and in health who got very old and smelly, was in the washing machine a thousand times and was falling apart, got lost but found years later stuffed somewhere because my parents didn't have the heart to get rid of him :).

I am from memories of summers spending hours cooling off in my neighbors plastic pool located in the driveway that was about two foot deep, rectangle in shape, blue in color with a seat in all four corners to sit on where we would enjoy our flavored ice popsicle sticks.

I am from a neighborhood where there were rows of honeysuckle bushes that we would pull apart the flower and taste the sweetness and pick the petals off daisies one by one thinking of our boy crushes repeating the words "He loves me, He loves me not."

I am from corner stores that had a glass candy case loaded with our favorite penny and twenty five cent candies, mallo cups being my favorite and fruit trucks coming down the alley way in summer selling the most delicious peaches I have ever eaten, sticky peach juice dripping down my chin.

I am from hair that smelled like herbal essence shampoo that walk on the boardwalk in Seaside Height, New Jersey smelling a combination of salty air, french fries and cooked onions and peppers.

I am from Christmas music sung by chipmunks and thinking of chestnuts roasting on an empty fire lyrics that my mom listened to on a turn table durning the holiday season.

I am from Belden Street where my memories are sweet, childlike and secure and then moved to Clark Place where memories are still good but a place where I started to lost my child-like ways as I turned into a teenage hippie.

I am from dust under my bed and objects that had no other place to live, lived.

The things:
Two objects: Huckle & a friends pool
Two plants: Daisies & honeysuckle bushes
Two taste: Peaches & mallo cups
Two smells: Herbal essence shampoo & boardwalk food
Two songs: Chipmunks singing & chestnuts roasting on an empty fire
Two streets I grew up on: Belden Street & Clark Place
What's under my bed: Dust & things that didn't have a place

Oh by the way I took this photo with my new fish bowl lense that fits over my i phone. New toy :). I thought the photo looked very reminiscent to go along with the memories :) happy Saturday you all, happy reminiscing!

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