Love's Embrace

This amorous couple was on the hummingbird feeder hanger. They are Brown Anoles Anoles sager. Although native to Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas, they are an introduced species to Florida. They have done well in the Sunshine Stare and are a very common sight. They mate in the Spring and Summer months, and their single eggs, which are laid from June to September, hatch in 30 days. Brown Anoles are terrestrial and although they are often seen in trees and bushes, they never venture far from the ground. The male displays his brightly colored throat fan or dewlap which he uses along with head bobbing and pushups, to drive away intruding male and to protect his territory. Anoles are insectivores,  and happily dine on ants, beetles, grasshoppers and spiders. They will make short work of small cockroaches which, when I find them in the house, I will stun and then toss outside. I hope you are having a Relaxing/Fun Weekend! :)

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