
Back-blip: Sebastien hiked up to Emerald Lake today with his dad and his Aunt Michele (who took the photo), while my dad, my brother and I hiked to Mount Ida. Apparently they saw marmots and chipmunks up at the lake and enjoyed the hike quite a bit.

Our hike to the top of Mount Ida (about 13, 000 ft high) was much too long and difficult for Sebastien. We left in the morning and were planning to see him again late afternoon (when I was going to take a photo of him), but my dad suffered severe dehydration toward the end of the hike, and my brother and I had a hard time getting him off the mountain and into the car. He was leaning dangerously to his left side, staggering around, barely able to keep himself up, and generally dazed and unwell at the end. So we drove him directly to the hospital to make sure he hadn't suffered from a minor stroke and to get his fluids up. Seems it was only dehydration and he was soon much better, but I didn't get home before Sebastien was fast asleep. So I took Michele's photo instead for a blip.

Luckily all's well that ends well.

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