Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt


I joined Blip in late 2011 and posted every day without a gap until early 2014.  Then life priorities took over and had to start posting when time permitted.   I've now reached the 1460 mark (4 years according to Blip) although a little over 7 months late.  

Although I am not as visible as I used to be, I do think about blipping every day and enjoying viewing the beautiful work of others as often as I can.  I've met some really great people through Blip and am very grateful for the friendships I've made (in person or online) including (but not limited to):
Deb, Anni, Rose, Ann, Wade, Maura, Hilary, Shelley, Tero, Suzanne, Wendy, Kim, Kevin, Tim, Karen, Folkie, Alison, Dave, Richie, Carol, Dave, Evelyne, Paladian, Pipersmom, Don_T, Happy Cat, Graham, Frezabird, Fluffikens, Carol, Gatekeeper, Sue, Draco, Artist Annie, Kim D, Fred, Anthony, and more.  

Thank you all and hope you like this photo of the Washington Monument.

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