
By ChrisGroucutt

How do people come up with this stuff?

You have to think, that one day, a long time ago... somebody had an idea.

And they went with this idea to a chap who had a fast boat (or chappess maybe), and said "Hey there fast boat owner of indeterminate gender... I've got an idea!"

And this person went on to explain that they wanted said fast boat person to zip around in their boat as fast as possible, and that they were going to hold on to a piece of rope dangling behind that fast boat, with nothing but a couple of planks of wood attached to their feet... and they were going to fly spectacularly over the water.

And then... the fast boat person didn't say "What are you talking about you bloody nutcase?!" 

Nope... the fast boat person said "That sounds like a magnificent idea.. LET'S DO IT!"

And they did it... and they made it look brilliant. Like this fella we watched today.

Here's to all those majestic nutters and their wonderful ways. The world is far more fun with you in it. Keep up the grand work!


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