Toutouwai - Native Robin

Today I had my blip in the bag fairly early - I was on duty a lunch time when a native wood pigeon flew in to feed on the kowhai tree so I rushed inside and got my camera. Took lots of photos of him.

Then after work Kiwilizzie and I decided to take a drive down the Buller Gorge Road. On our way down she pointed out a native robin on the side of the road, on our way back it was still there so I turned around and went back. The robin was most obliging, as were his two mates, but it was dusk and the light wasn't the best.

In the end, to get something decent, I had to use my flash. The robins, after being startled the first couple of times, didn't even seem to mind that.

For the first time I managed to capture two robins in a shot. It's a lousy photo but because there are two of them I've put them in my blipfolio.

This photo is definitely better viewed large to see his feather detail and the whiskers around his beak.

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