Arrived Safely at Waterbeach

It was nearly 150 miles, 3hr 50min (after I ignored the SatNav a couple of times!) but it was dry and a great ride there. 
Got my bags unpacked, tent up and contents sorted and then the RAF Ensign and Lest We Forget flags hoisted on the bike.
I was surprised, at first, when I saw the number of people that had come by car but then when you looked around you see 3 bed detached tents all over the place!! Mine is miniscule in comparison, see extra - mine is the little orange dot between the two larger tents.
When everyone had arrived there were quite a lot of small tents and I found mine quite adequate, rainproof, but very bijou! Biggest problem was getting cramp while trying to get undressed/dressed and the contortions I had to go through to achieve these actions.
A great day ensued with a very uncharacteristic me drinking 6 or 7 cans of John Smith, I may occasionally have a bottle of Coors now and again but that is the most I've had for years. On the other hand, it seem the appropriate thing to do and I knew I wasn't going to be riding the next day.
Two Rock bands in the evening for our entertainment, Hush and The Gypsies

Myself and others had booked a dinner for a fiver (£5.00). Turned out to be a 'School Dinner', see other extra for the dinner ladies. It was real stodge, but very tasty!

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