Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Candy coloured sky

1st August - my birthday month - haha!

Really, I'm posting this image today just because I love the colour of the sky. I took it quite early, though not as early as it looks - in fact I missed most of the sun as at this point it was slipping behind the cloud bank where I suspect it means to stay most of the day. But just for a few moments it had this wonderful pinky/mauvy/bluey tinge and the odd horizontal stripes which I thought were rather gorgeous. So there you have it.

Has anyone heard of steam punk, BTW? I believe I'm being dragged off to an exhibition at the weekend, so perhaps will become a knowledgeable being in that respect. I'll try and get a blip from there. Meanwhile, it's nose to keyboard for the rest of today. Have a good Wednesday..

PS wanted to repeat what I wrote yesterday, because I only added it rather late on - which is to say thank you to everyone who posted such kind things for my 200th on Monday - what lovely people you are, I really do appreciate it so much...

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