Thirteen Years....

....Ago I was discharged from the Royal Navy so I spent a large part of the day with my Shipmates of the Royal Naval Association.

Sea Sunday a civic event in Falmouth organised by the RNA on behalf of the town council.
The sun shone, the Royal Marine Band of Flag Officer Plymouth were splendid, I read the second lesson of the church service and the whole event went well. After the march past we went to the Watersports Centre for the now traditional tot and buffet, so much food even the cadets couldn't eat it all.

2:30pm and time to make my way home for a coffee, doze in the chair and a change of shirt before heading off to the Penryn 800 Service.

Less formal and more colourful it was a fair walk in the evening heat.
At 7:45 pm I arrived home tired and peckish after a day nibbling at crisps etc and was greeted by the scene in today's photo.
Joshua had cooked more Piri Piri chicken, gammon steaks and hot dogs, salad made and these words; "there are four cold beers in the fridge Dad, it's all nearly ready, by the time your changed it'll be served".
That is the best end to a busy day I've had for a long time.

Great Lad xxx

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