The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Hill Paul from the canal

Read about the Hill Paul.building here.
Hill Paul stands adjacent to the railway and high above the cana, dominating the urban landscape.

The section of the Cotswold Canal.between Capels Mill and Walbridge, close to town, has been dredged and made navigable for the first time in decades. To celebrate, some canoers were out on the basin and the canal, racing each other and larking about.

I got there rather late, the races were almost over, because I'd stopped to talk to an old lady. She was upset about the dog pee on her parking apron, because she said that in high summer it stinks, so she cleans it often, in case anyone think it's hers. She added that she doesn't get out often because she has pains in her legs. She calls her legs Elsie and Doris respectively. I offered to pop in and see her some time, as she lives alone, apart from Elsie and Doris and a street cat that has adopted her.

After walking to town along the canal, I walked home via the streets of Stroud. When I got home, I decided to dead head some roses. This led to several hours of gardening/jungle reclamation. it is now or never for the garden: it's being invaded by nettles, brambles, bindweed, ash trees and sycamores. I really don't want to lose it, so will have to put in at least an hour a day over the next couple of weeks. Then I go to Bath for a house sit.

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