
By briocarioca

Blossoms and problems

Now back-blipping furiously again – I’m two weeks behind! So there will be a few photos and maybe not a lot of text, methinks.
I thought HH was having a good lie-in this morning, while I was downstairs with our guests (such a super couple), but when I went up he  muttered that he was in pain and thought we’d better go to the hospital. So straight along there – luckily it’s only a couple of blocks away, but we got a taxi anyway. He was attended to quite quickly and efficiently, had a blood test, was put on a drip and then taken off for a tomography, which confirmed the diagnosis: a blockage caused by adhesions/scarring from his op last year. There were no rooms available, but they eventually found him a cubicle in the emergency section. I was packed off home, on the understanding that he will be operated on tomorrow morning, but a room is only likely to become available in the afternoon. What they plan to do with him when he emerges from the operating theatre, I’m not sure. Luckily, whatever they gave him in the drip seems to have got rid of the pain and he was quite cheerful and comfortable when I left. Nothing to do now but wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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