It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Travelling Home

It had been a surprisingly short week and we were in the final stretch, travelling home from the Junior Tour of Ireland.

It's been a really special one. Our team of young riders from Edinburgh Road Club had acquitted themselves well against some of the best in the world. Calum had left some skin on the roads of County Clare and Joe had a broken thumb but everyone was in good spirits.

We had stayed overnight in Belfast and caught the 1st ferry back to Scotland. The lads went straight to the Fifa video game and I tried to catch up with a few bits n bobs. We had a de-brief meeting and that was that.

The lads reverted to being normal teenagers and very funny with it, albeit it was playing with my sanity after 90 mins of incessant role playing comedy!

I was sad when I was dropped off at the tram stop. Bike racing is pretty intense, with lots of highs and lows.....drama, laughter and pain. I loved every moment of it!

Very excited to be seeing Rosemary after 1o days apart from each other though.

I'll update with race reports and photos when I get time.

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