
By hannahstar

This is a rubbish photo! But today was too good a day to not write about!

Had church this morning. I was on Sunday School today - the last one of the term so it was an altogether. We had a quiz, some games and some drama, a treasure hunt and all ending in a picnic!
Unfortunately I couldn't stay for the picnic as this afternoon was our second outreach.
We arrived in town for about 3pm, unsure if we would be able to perform because there was another festival going on this weekend. Thankfully they were pretty much finished and packed away when we got there so we were able to start.
It went so well! So many people stopped to watch and see what was going on and as the day was sunny and warm, quite a lot of people just sat on the street and stayed the whole time!
It was great! I really enjoyed it and I hope we will have made a difference in some people's lives, even if it's just a beginning. 
Unfortunately I was so busy that I didn't have time to take any photos of the outreach.

Afterwards our skit group went for a meal together and then I came home. Sooo tired but well worth it!

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