They've refused me citizenship ...
I can't understand why the people of Turkey don't want me to boss look after them ....
Well anyway,what an exciting week... Although it seems it was more exciting for you lot watching the news back home than it was for us as nothing changed where we were .. Reports banning UK citizens from leaving holiday homes were exaggerated .. I should imagine they were more cautious in Ankara .. I did at one point screech at Mr W as he popped out to get our fresh bread 'don't die,I've not purchased a gift for DDLC and Tits yet' .... I'm a kindly wife.
I'm frozen .... And yet there is a British heatwave ... Turkey is a bit too hot really .. 39degrees in the shade did make my toes curl a tad.
Blip taken from my balcony (it's got sofas on it ) and you can see Melanie the turtle and Trevor the crocodile .. Oh and the stupids.
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