Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Q is for Quixotic Quay

Today I was lucky enough to be invited out to my friend's parent's house, just over the Scottish Border, for lunch. I had not seen my friend for 3 years but when she picked me up from Berwick train station, it was like we'd only seen each other last week.

Ever since I've known her (16 years), her parents have dreamed about buiding their own house and they have finally done it. It is equipped with it's own wind turbine, polytunnel, solar tubes, and a beautiful wildflower garden. This picture is of the double-pond at the back of the house and although can't see from this picture, it overlooks the North Sea. The house has totally inspired me today and I can't wait to start coming up with ideas for my own house now. Some people and places make you feel good about yourself and my friend and her family have done just that. Let's not leave it 3 years next time.

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