A place in time

By Verbosa


Today has been glorious!  My phone was showing 32 degrees centigrade at lunchtime, when I met The Boy.  He started work yesterday at a company just a couple of doors down the road from my office (weird, but lovely) so we met up to eat our lunch together while the weather has been so stunning.  I don't wish to cramp his style and I'm sure he will soon prefer the company of his colleagues during lunch break but it was good to see him today.  Mind you, we did spend the time standing in the shade by the Town Wharf as the sun was so bright and there was scant seated shade to be had.

Anyway, this boat appeared to be having a tad of difficulty - there was much revving of engine and at one time the whole river was blocked as it ended up wedged diagonally!  I'm guessing they were new at this game...or possibly a little the worse for wear after supping a few chilled glasses of something :).

Mind you, we Brits normally complain about the weather - be it too hot, too cold, too wet or whatever.  But I love it!  We normally have to fly about 4 hours south to get temperatures like this...although I guess we don't have to work in them.  Our office does not have air conditioning, so I was glad of a small desk fan to waft a slight breeze across my face today.  However, for the record, I STILL wore a vest!

Thought for the day:

"Don't try to be perfect.  Just try to be better than you were yesterday."  (Zest4 Life)

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