Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

National Radio Spot

We took the juniors to the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield today for a huge cluster athletics event arranged by the local college.  It has been running for about six years now, and is so great.

Unlike previous years, Jessica Ennis wasn't training - gutted as I had finally built up enough courage to finally ask her for a photo.  :'-(

However, our kids ran superbly.  Jnr Jnr got 3rd place in the 60m sprint (I am so made up!) and she was even interviewed for Radio One's Newsbeat.  However, as I was with the school, I did't get to hear it.  It is not yet up on iPlayer either and am wondering what it was all about....

I took a ton of photos and the long jump is always the best to shoot (see extra)

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