More stained glass

Gosh it was so hot today! and to make matters worse I had to take Mr U&L to the eye clinic at East Grinstead, while he was waiting to be seen I went up on Ashdown forest for a 99 (from one of the many ice cream sellers that gather there) then back to the relative sanctuary of St Peter's and St Paul's church Edenbridge. Inside the church it was deliciously cool, and to be honest I could have stayed there for the rest of the day!! It also had some very lovely stained glass windows of which this is just a part of one, but I think it was my favorite. It shows Jesus, crucified on what appears to be a vine tree, with the two Mary's John and a centurion all keeping watch. the banner under the figures reads 'TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOHN STEPHENS STORR LATE OF WILLY'S-AT-HEATH CROCKHAM HILL. WHO DIED JANUARY 9TH 1895........THIS WINDOW IS ERECTED BY HIS WIFE AMY GIOVANNA STORR IN THE YEAR 1908'
I hope it is cooler tomorrow!

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