Life on the edge...

By bru22

Memory is time...

I spotted this today on the jewellery shop, I think Robertsons? In Dundee. The quote "memory in time" caught my eye and made me stop for a split second...

I spend the afternoon with Angela I think this is her plan of fitting in tonnes of Jen/Ang time so that when I go away for four months she will be sick of me!! Sadly only been 2.5 hours since I've seen her and feels like at least a week... Strange!

I could have sat all day having hot chocolate at Starbucks and Crabbies at the pub Where a very scrummy man walked past, sadly I think I really just wanted his hair rather than an actual man... Who knows!!! Angela was going to beat me down to get him though... Until she got a phonecall and turned in to girly chuckling shade of plum!!! but sadly some people have real life jobs!!! What is that about?!?!... So when A headed to work i headed back home. Just had mums homemade lasagne and now lying down catching up on today's Olympics. Bliss.

Update: 21:56: Fed up.
"A 50 sq ft room at _____ is £8.88 per week for the 1st 8 weeks then £17.75 thereafter. Call the store on _______ for more info."
Oh so tempting just to get the hell out of here.
Feel more out of place in this family than I ever have.

"Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count."
Mark Amend

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