
So, with some time to fill whilst my hosts were at work and whatnot during the day, I availed mesen of their hospitality and took misterprime's bike out for a spin over lunchtime/early arvo, a ride out to Southwell and back, a rather satisfactory 24 miles. I hadn't expected to get sunburn on my arms, what with my usual bike riding being in and around Edinburgh and such a thing not being a concern, but that's what I got today - so, after 2 weeks in Lanzarote at Easter and a week in France in July, it was one meagre spell of less than 2 hours in Nottinghamshire that did it for me...

Out with the grown-ups in the evening for fantastic burgers at Annie's and the odd photograph at some of the city's more aesthetically-pleasing landmarks.

Summat I Heard In My Host's Kitchen

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