Scattered Polaroids

By sp


I made cakes this morning. Mocha cupcakes. My gosh, they are so rich.
Even licking the spoon was a bit much, I don't know if I'll ever manage a whole cake.

Stayed at home long enough to see us win our first gold (me and my mum were going mental), then went to Windsor. We got some food in Waitrose, and ended up standing behind various members of the New Zealand rowing team, all of whom were moaning about "those bloody Aussies".

Harry cycled in (with his new jersey) and met us by the river for lunch. I tried his fancypants new road bike out. The saddle was a little high, even for me - I had to dismount by breaking hard and letting the momentum throw me forward.

We'd half planned to go and watch the time trials today, but ended up deciding against it. I'd texted Pose about our rowing results this morning, so she texted me about Wiggins. Me and mother had to have a mini celebration in Costa.

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