Local news reader

Bought a few local papers today as the main story was that there will be another eviction in Sa Penya in September and the start of the redevelopment of the already evicted homes. I liked this pic of Danny poring over the paper. This news has left us feeling strange...strange to read about April's evictions being talked about as a success when we know it's left our friends homeless and broken up families and a community. Danny and I headed over to Sa Penya, it all feels quite heavy...

The wall in the newspaper photo (if you can just about see it) is the wall I photographed a few weeks ago.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling safe in my own home.
2) A phone call with my Mom this morning. 
3) Asha's enjoyment of simple things - decorating digestive biscuits was THE best thing this afternoon...if her enthusiasm was anything to go by! 

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