Is it a view of the Earth taken from the International Space Station? Is it a new shot of Jupiter from the probe Juno? No, it's my car. Let me explain.
We really enjoyed the concert yesterday evening in the Spiegeltent as part of the MK Festival. Tommy Emmanuel is a superb guitarist with amazing skill and dexterity, able to sound as though there are at least two guitarists and percussion on stage when in fact it is only him. The only fly in the ointment was beforehand; whilst reversing into a parking space, in the very brief interval between me checking all my mirrors to make sure there was nothing behind me, someone planted a large mature tree just where I was going to park. I swear it wasn't there when I started the manouevre, so how they sneaked it in, I don't know. The result is that I now have a tree-shaped indentation in the tailgate of my car, which is shown here with a bit of faffing in Photoshop.
Of course whilst highly unlikely, it could just be I was Dreaming Out The Window, which just happens to be the theme for the Abstract Thursday challenge set by YouOregon1 this week.
I'd swear there was no tree there when I started to reverse........
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