Scenes From a Wet Car Show

After my 2:15 appointment, I went to a local dealership car show. It was real early, so there weren't many cars there yet. Plus, the skies were threatening...REAL threatening. (You can see the sky above the yellow hot rod.)

Within 5 minutes, the clouds opened up. The rain sent everyone inside, and forced the DJ to put away his equipment.

As a bonus, the show had hot dogs (with chili), popcorn, soda, chips, and cookies. And...THEY WERE ALL FREE! (Supper...taken care of.)

The only cars I can identify are in the top row. From the left...a 1958 Chevrolet, Art's hot rod, and a 1939 Chevy.

About that 2:15 appointment. In some mildly sad news (using the Red Cross truck in the lower left as a prop), I again had trouble giving blood. It took the nurses 75 minutes to get the pint. (It usually takes 25-30.) They tell me it has to do with scar tissue, and clotting. I'll try once again in 8-10 weeks...but my donating of blood may be coming to an end.

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