
By PixelChristi

Nexus 7 Update

I've been avoiding the bookkeeping for ever. so I did it today, which left me no time for my photography.

Hence this image of my favourite new toy, which I got last month.

I said I would keep some of you posted so here's the skinny. After nearly a fortnight, it has become an essential piece of kit for me. The size is perfect. I have a spot of arthritis in my hand and thie size and weight of the Nexus is ideal, where the old iPad was giving me jip. It's also the perfect ( I mean exactly right ) size for the thigh pockets on all my cargo and combat trousers.

It runs like a dream, compared to my poor old hobbled original iPad too. Zenfolio and blipfoto both have 3rd party apps which work really well on it so I've used them a fair amount. Browsing is really nice, with proper tabs and book marks etc. Which don't crash whenever I use a second tab *Apple*.

Screen is amazing, I'm sure the retina screen is also amazing, but for showing images quickly this is just brilliant. Colours, contrast and importantly, viewing angle are all spot on. Netflix runs like a dream on it, as does Crackle. Currently the iPlayer is a bust but there are apps out there which show the freeview streams really well.

I can even update my books on it now that I have my spreadsheets on Google Drive, which is really slick.

In short, for the ridiculous bargain price, I'd recommend it to anyone.

And, YAY! First books done, and I don't have to do it again for a month. \o/

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