Kyla smiles.

Had a lovely visit from my sister and her girls this morning. As you can see Kyla was giving me lots of beautiful smiles and I managed to catch a few on camera. Was hoping to get one of her sucking her thumb too but she wasn't going to help me out.

Out this afternoon to the Lyme Lympics with friends. Very funny watching the childrens tug of war, 6 and 8 legged race, mermaid race etc. The kids loved it down there and it must have worn them out as once home it a quick bath and for once no complaints about bedtime and not a peek heard.

This gave me more chance to get on with the garden make over. The garden has now been dug out too and tonight I was repairing some of my pointing that hasn't set well. Only stopped once it was too dark to see or i think I would have finished it tonight. Feet are like ice now though and so I have come in for a Baileys before bed, yum.

Now then what to change/fix/improve next!!??

Just seen my year ago picture, the day I met the lovely Karen and Katie xx

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