New best friend

I've blipped Harley before. He's young and today when I visited his home he really did take note when I said no and was firm with him. Of course he figured out I'm higher in the pack pecking order and became my new submissive best friend ;-)

Rather than visit Harley his mother was the focus of my visit. She is a dear and friend and has condition that seems both cruel and unfair. That is sometimes how life is and somehow we have to make the most of it.

I visit most weeks and try to make a family meal to take with me. Today's visit was a more timely than usual. We muddled our way through and had a few smiles. Harley is a good companion and for one so young he is sensitive.

Sometimes life jolts me and I'm reminded of both how fortunate I am and how quickly life can change. My friend was always a better runner than me but of the 2 of us it is only I who can manage that now, along with a lot of life's daily chores and experiences we take for granted.

On that note I'm through week one of my running programme and group. I've run on clubs or groups before but mostly I've run on my own. I'm more a solitary animal and the group aspect is an interesting experience for me. At this stage I pretty much run on my own - in a group, and that suits me just fine. Again I had a bit of coaching input today and that is great to receive.

My dodgy hip remains my nemesis and I think that is how it always will be. But I'm managing it so far. I'm dedicated to the strengthening and stretching part, and grateful to have a lifeline to try and sustain running without breaking down with an injury.

The weather in the hills is appalling so I won't be finding out just how unfit I am with crampons and ice axe tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will kind enough to allow a little jaunt on the local Port Hills.

Benedict doesn't seem to have as sore a tummy as yesterday but I'm pretty sure he's had takeaways again today :-(

Confession time, I'm going to watch rugby tonight. Maybe I've been taken over by aliens ;-)

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