It's here

As it has finally opened I thought I had better blip our new Ikea. My first blip chronicling it's construction was back in May 2015 so it has taken a while. 
My first visit, however, was not a good one. I got stuck in a lift for 20 mins! Neither the alarm or the phone was working so no-one came to help us. Eventually the lift started up again but there was no one to greet us as we came out - or even to say sorry. I complained and got 2 meal vouchers in response (bit mean, I thought)
Anyway, after that I didn't feel like going in the shop so I went home.
Apparently last weekend there was a 3 hr traffic jam just to get out of the carpark so lets see what this weekend brings (traffic chaos was one of the main objections to build it where it is).

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