If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

The Virgin Queens

The usual Saturday at the Lodge prepping ready for other guests.  With an unusual twist.  I have mown the grass now for 11 years and every time I lift a large concrete Ammonite as the easiest way to mow the edges.   From very early in our time there it has had an ant's nest underneath.  

Give them a few minutes and they have the eggs and pupae safely down their passages underground.  Today when I lifted the Ammonite there were masses of winged ants.

I have called them Virgin Queens but they are just as likely to be Virgin Kings.  Like Bees the colony grows to a certain size and then starts to produce winged males and females.  These wait until suitable weather before making a nuptial flight.  Nests in the same area manage to synchronise their flights so there is less chance of inbreeding.

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