
By tolu

In amongst the sorting-lists-boxes-bubble wrap-dustfree patches on the walls-getting distracted by old news stories while packing breakables-and spending many accumulative hours looking for the invisible end of the duct tape, this week has been an emotional one.

As with most moves it is not simply the process of vacating a building but leaving behind a life, a chapter (or several), friends past and present and a whole lot of memories. While I am not particularly attached to the building, it represents so many things....

...sorting, filtering, throwing away, happening upon photos, items, that stop me in my tracks and take me to an exact moment in time, emoting grimaces, tears, laughter, anger, pain, regret happiness, rueful secret smiles....

I found this badge under a stack of cooking magazines in a drawer and it made me smile. Grin actually. It reminds me of a wonderfully wise, quirky, inspiring, one-of-a-kind friend who, though I see him rarely now, I value dearly.

And I thought I'd share it with you dear blippers who are friends I shall ferry seamlessly with me to my new home.

A new chapter. New horizons. New memories to be made.

So many boxes to be unpacked......!


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