a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre, Ultimo

As a token effort towards the Olympic theme, today I bring you the Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre.

I am, however, ignoring the fact that Thorpe is apparently commentating for the Brits rather than the Australian news broadcasters.

This may be a spurious lie, told to me by someone who hasn't got a clue and cares even less about the Olympics. I don't know. But given the Australian media's tendency to belittle their atheletes
( Who's too fat?
Who's too old?
Who's too drunk?

How dare she/he not win a gold medal?
How dare Magnusson lose by 0.01 second, only getting silver?)

I can't blame Thorpe for commentating for the Brits, if he is.*

I don't care who wins what for which country... anybody earning a bronze, silver or gold ought to be proud of such an achievement. And that pack of hyenas passing for the media can go soak their heads in a bucket.**


*Mind you, if the media paid out on Thorpe's 'pearls-for-men' jewellery range, I think that would be a fair cop. That idea was so never gonna fly.

** I am of course excluding the Olympic analysis provided by the ABC's Gruen Sweat over a 4 week period. I am never going to be able to look at the London 2012 logo with a straight face again, thanks to that show.

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