Freddy the Frog

Sunday 24th July 2016         (backblip)

The weather looked 'set fair' as they say ...... so this afternoon we headed off to Willow Tree Fen nature reserve ........ there were very few people there so it was lovely to wander around.

We saw Dragonflies, Damselflies, butterflies: Gatekeeper, Red Admiral, Skipper & Meadow Brown ....... watched a Kestrel hunting ...... saw a Green Woodpecker, Heron, Little Egret & several Cormorants flying by.

We wandered back along the 'woodland path' where we came across this little fellow ....... in fact I almost trod on him ....... but he hopped out of the way onto this log ....... he was kind enough to pose for me too ...... so he definitely deserved to be today's blip ..... hope you like him :-)

Thanks very much for all the lovely comments, stars & hearts on my blips ...... really chuffed you liked them :-)

I am doing my best to keep up with your journals ....... apologies to anyone that I don't get to ....... I will catch up with all of you later in the week :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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