Lemonade, Books and Nattering!!

Met up at a friend’s house this afternoon for our monthly Book Group meet, to discuss our latest book, enjoy some cake and catch up on each other’s news. It was warm enough to sit out in the garden, but very overcast, and we even had the odd spot or two of rain, but that didn’t stop the nattering!!

This week’s book was “Border Music” by Robert James Waller, the author of “The Bridges of Madison County” (one of my all-time favourites, and sooo much better than the film…). It’s difficult to know whether to recommend the book or not as we weren’t able to come to a group concensus as two out of the five of us hadn’t even started the book! (The less said about that the better!!) I thoroughly enjoyed the book, but one of my friends hated it with a passion, so if you’re interested in reading it yourself, you might like to look at these reviews to see both sides of the coin: Border Music reviews 

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