She smiles

because there has been a bit of a breakthrough today.

My blood tests came back clear for anything sinister, no problems with kidney function, thyroid or immune system.  However I do have quite a severe B12 / folate deficiency.  Reading up on the NHS website that the GP directed me to, it made sense of so many of the things I have been experiencing in the last few months.  The elevated heart rate, breathlessness, tinnitus, the fatigue and lack of energy, problems with memory, feeling faint - all common symptoms.  So, GP has sent a prescription to the pharmacy so that I can get on the medication straight away, then will review after our holiday.

It doesn't resolve my pain, but it does give me some reassurance that I haven't been imagining all of this AND it gives me some hope that my energy levels will be restored which in turn will mean I am more likely to be active and to exercise, which does help me manage the pain better than when I am a weeping sofa bound sloth.

So, you get a tentative smile this evening.

Today I have also been reminded that true friends are there when life is crappy, no matter what the distance is and no matter what they have going on in their lives too.  I am grateful for the support of my friends, every day.

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