Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99

Interesting day..

This morning I hoovered up tiny baby spiders from my ceiling whilst standing on my chair to reach them because there was a nest in the corner on the ceiling! They were very very small and were everywhere. Lamp shade, bed, mirror, window, desk, and especially the ceiling.

The photo is of a spider I found actually on our Hoover. Not sure where it came from but, nonetheless it was there. Spiders are takin over my house.

Later on Libby and Michelle came round to mine to play mario kart on my wii! It's been donkeys years since I played it and i felt very nostalgic. After we had gone through all 32 courses, Libby got stuck in my downstairs toilet! It wasn't her fault as the handle was broken but it meant she was stuck in there for a good half hour and I had to phone my grandparents to come help. My grandpa took the door handle off and then had to just kick the door in because the handle was so broken.

My Nana brought news of Willow, too. She's dislocated her tail in one place and broken it in a different place and majorly torn a soft tissue in her pelvis. I'm just incredibly grateful that she isn't hurt even more. It could have been so much worse.

An eventful day, to say the least.

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