Broad Beans
Like a lot of children I wasn't fond of vegetables. I'll eat pretty well anything nowadays (although I draw the line at beetroot) but back in those days I particularly hated broad beans. On the odd occasion I was forced to eat them the thick, chewy, bitter-tasting grey-green skin used to almost make me gag. I'd avoided them for most of my life but comparatively recently I had one of those light bulb moments when I was served them in a restaurant and the skins had been removed. What a revelation! The inner bit is lovely, either as a vegetable or served as a salad with a nice lemony dressing. Our neighbours called today with a large bag that was surplus from their allotment so they have been blanched and prepared for this evening's meal. And no, they didn't all survive the prep uneaten. My attempt for Tiny Tuesday hosted by 60plus this week.
A bit behind again on comments/replies - apologies.
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