Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Corstophine Hill

Up early this morning as J had to go over to a planning meeting for the local credit Union. Dropped her off and then came back to repair the damage Kilda did last night. Replaced the netting on the barrier under the stairs with wood. Washing hung up and more put on. Headed out to get some stuff from Screwfix. I’m going to remove the radiators from around the flat to keep the cost down. Will then just need a plumber to connect the pipes. Came back and took Kilda to Corstophine hill for the first time. We had a nice walk around exploring. This is just over the road from where J is meeting so it meant the others on the board could meet her. Quite a few of them have got puppies as well. Decided to join the dark side while I was out and downloaded Pokémon Go. Not sure how long it will last for me. Came home and got ready to go out. A while ago we tried to meet up with the B’s but NB got tonsillitis and we had to cancel. Met them along with RD and FM in Treacle. RD and FM had agreed to take Kilda for the night. Headed over to the Gardeners Cottage for a great meal and company.

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