
By NJGilb

"Baby Dragon"

The Teen and I walked 15 k on the coast path today and it was just perfect! We chatted all the way: university , interrailing , school to name a few topics and we both thoroughly enjoyed the coastline. We had a view of Ramsey Island for most of the way and discovered a couple of secret coves. She noticed the Cormorant drying his wings before I did but had her own name for him and he sat rather proudly for quite some time.

We all kept our wings dry today as there was no surf to speak of. Him Outdoors cycled and then brought the picnic in the van. The spotting of him in the distance after 3 hours nearly equalled the dragon!
We pottered this afternoon and then went back out for tea at a new pub. 'Twas v nice. Need to keep up the exercise to make up for it!

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