
By AliV

My view

My view as I wait in the hall. Dare not move for fear of creaking a floor board or creaking a knee! Baby all stuffed with cold so she was awake for a wee while there. She is, for now, a brilliant sleeper. So I will allow her some unsettled sleep when she is under the weather. Means I get to go in and get some quite cuddles and do some back rubbing as well which I love but rarely get to do. I was trying to be quiet and not comunicate with her to encourage sleep...she was lying there waving at me going "hiya!". 

Today was a brill day of words. When we left for work she progressed from waves and just "bye bye" to "bye bye Daddy!" And we also had lots of "wow!" And "oh dear!". I must say those things a lot. Also loving her saying "hallo!" with a great scottish accent.

So lucky to have her in my day! Even if it means I have to stand in the hall for an usually long time!

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